The Upanishads

The Upanishads are a collection of texts providing philosophical and spiritual insight into questions about life. They are actually an extensive array of texts within the Vedas. 

They are doctrinal expositions found mostly in the final parts of the Brahmanas and Aranyakas of the four vedas. Large number of Upanishads are available even today, with commentaries on them by representatives of various schools of Vedanta. Every text is connected to the veda in which it is found, and the teachings from Upanishad are often presented in the context of a particular vedic hymn or ritual. Vedanta traditions often refer to upanishads as the Sruti Prasthana, or the revealed scripture, from which knowledge of brahman is obtained.


We will be sharing commentaries on Upanishads and their hymns in this space, soon.

Annant Drishti Aadhaytam Peetham is devoted to learning and spreading Ancient Indian Wisdom contained in its multiple scriptures and philosophies far and wide. If you have the same interest, do get in touch.